The Middleton Area Historical Society welcomes donations that relate to the history of Middleton and the lives of its residents. Some of the types of materials MAHS collects include clothing, household and decorative objects, furniture, agricultural equipment, items produced in Middleton, photographs, scrapbooks, and other archival materials. MAHS appreciates cash donations that support the proper display and preservation of its collections, because memberships and the annual Ice Cream Social are our only source of funds. Except in very rare occasions MAHS cannot purchase items for its collections.
Donors are encouraged to visit the Rowley House in person during its hours of operation or to contact a member of the Collection Committee by phone or email in order to discuss possible donations. Donors are asked to sign a donation form that transfers ownership of the item(s) to MAHS. MAHS cannot be responsible for items left anonymously at the Rowley House door.
The MAHS Collections Committee reviews all donations before formal acceptance. Unfortunately, MAHS cannot accept all offerings due to lack of relevance to Middleton history, duplication of items already in the collection, deteriorated physical condition and associated preservation expense, and restrictions requiring display.
Donations to MAHS are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law, but a formal appraisal, if needed, is the responsibility of the donor. MAHS cannot offer tax advice. Once items are accepted, they become part of the Museum’s permanent collections and are treated accordingly.